“You say you’re against war, but what’s the alternative?”
About the Book
AGSS is World BEYOND War’s blueprint for an alternative security system – one in which peace is pursued by peaceful means.
AGSS relies on three broad strategies for humanity to end war: 1) demilitarizing security, 2) managing conflicts without violence, and 3) creating a culture of peace. These are the interrelated components of our system: the frameworks, processes, tools and institutions necessary for dismantling the war machine and replacing it with a peace system that will provide a more assured common security. Strategies for demilitarizing security are directed at reducing dependency on militarism. Strategies for managing conflict without violence are focused on reforming and/or establishing new institutions, tools and processes for assuring security. Strategies for creating a culture of peace are concerned with establishing social and cultural norms, values, and principles necessary for sustaining a thriving peace system and the means to spread it globally.
Praise for the AGSS
Award-Winning Educational Resource
AGSS & Study War No More received the 2018-19 Educator’s Challenge Award offered by the Global Challenges Foundation. The award acknowledges innovative approaches to engage students and broader audiences in discussions on the importance of global challenges, ranging from war to climate change.

The Fifth Edition was improved and expanded by World BEYOND War staff and board, led by Phill Gittins. The 2018-19 / Fourth Edition was improved and expanded by World BEYOND War staff and Coordinating Committee Members, led by Tony Jenkins, with proof editing by Greta Zarro. Many revisions were based on feedback from students in World BEYOND War’s online class “War Abolition 201.”
The 2017 edition was improved and expanded by World BEYOND War staff and Coordinating Committee members, led by Patrick Hiller and David Swanson. Many revisions were based on feedback from “No War 2016” conference participants as well as feedback from students in World BEYOND War’s online class “War Abolition 101.”
The 2016 edition was improved and expanded by World BEYOND War staff and Coordinating Committee members, led by Patrick Hiller, with input from Russ Faure-Brac, Alice Slater, Mel Duncan, Colin Archer, John Horgan, David Hartsough, Leah Bolger, Robert Irwin, Joe Scarry, Mary DeCamp, Susan Lain Harris, Catherine Mullaugh, Margaret Pecoraro, Jewell Starsinger, Benjamin Urmston, Ronald Glossop, Robert Burrowes, Linda Swanson.
The original 2015 edition was the work of the World Beyond War Strategy Committee with input from the Coordinating Committee. All active members of those committees were involved and get credit, along with allies consulted and the work of all those drawn from and cited in the book. Kent Shifferd was the lead author. Also involved were Alice Slater, Bob Irwin, David Hartsough, Patrick Hiller, Paloma Ayala Vela, David Swanson, Joe Scarry.
- Phill Gittins did final editing of Fifth Edition.
- Tony Jenkins did final editing in 2018-19.
- Patrick Hiller did final editing in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
- Paloma Ayala Vela did layout in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018-19.
- Joe Scarry did web-design and publication in 2015.
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