World BEYOND War is a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace.
Our Theory of Change: Education, Action, and Media
World BEYOND War currently coordinates dozens of chapters and maintains partnerships with nearly 100 affiliates around the world. WBW functions through a decentralized, distributed grassroots organizing model focused on building power at the local level. We don’t have a central office and we all work remotely. WBW’s staff provide tools, trainings, and resources to empower the chapters and affiliates to organize in their own communities based on what campaigns resonate most with their members, while at the same time organizing towards the long-term goal of war abolition. Key to World BEYOND War’s work is the holistic opposition to the institution of war at large – not only all current wars and violent conflicts, but the industry of war itself, the ongoing preparations for war that feed the profitability of the system (for example, arms manufacturing, weapons stockpiling, and the expansion of military bases). This holistic approach, focused on the institution of war as a whole, sets WBW apart from many other organizations.
Read our theory of change!

David Swanson
Executive Director

Greta Zarro
Organizing Director

Rachel Small
Canada Organizer

Phill Gittins
Education Director

Marc Eliot Stein
Technology Director

Alex McAdams
Development Director

Alessandra Granelli
Social Media Manager

Gabriel Aguirre
Latin America Organizer

Mohammed Abunahel
Bases Researcher

Seth Kinyua
Development Intern

Guy Feugap
Africa Organizer

Vanessa Fox
Organizing Intern
World BEYOND War is run largely by volunteers who devote their time for free. Here are some Volunteer Spotlights.

Volunteer Spotlight: World BEYOND War Senegal Chapter Coordinator Marion Transetti
The March 2024 Volunteer Spotlight features Marion Transetti, Coordinator for the World BEYOND War Senegal Chapter. #WorldBEYONDWar

Intern Spotlight: Vanessa Fox
The February 2024 Intern Spotlight features Organizing Intern Vanessa Fox from Arizona, U.S. #WorldBEYONDWar

Volunteer Spotlight: Gabbita Mruthyunjaya Sastry
This month’s Volunteer Spotlight features Gabbita Mruthyunjaya Sastry, who volunteers with WBW’s Events Calendar team. #WorldBEYONDWar

Intern Spotlight: Seth Kinyua
The December 2023 Spotlight features WBW Development Intern Seth Kinyua. #WorldBEYONDWar
Past Board Presidents
World BEYOND War is a member of the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases; the Divest from the War Machine Coalition; the Global Day Against Military Spending; the International Peace Bureau; the Korea Collaboration Network; the Poor People’s Campaign; United for Peace and Justice; the United National Antiwar Coalition; the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons; the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space; the international network No to war – no to NATO; Overseas Base Realignment and Closure Coalition; People Over Pentagon; Campaign to End the Selective Service System; No Fighter Jets Coalition; Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network; Peace Education Network (PEN); Beyond Nuclear; Working Group on Youth, Peace, and Security; Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace, WE.net, Abolition 2000, War Industry Resisters Network, Groups Against Arms Fairs, Defuse Nuclear War, Warheads to Windmills.
Our liasons to various coalitions are as follows:
- NoForeignBases.org: Robert Fantina
- United National Antiwar Coalition: John Reuwer
- Divest from the War Machine: Greta Zarro
- Global Day Against Military Spending: Gar Smith
- Korea Collaboration Network: Alice Slater
- Abolish Selective Service: David Swanson
- GPA: Donnal Walter
- Code Pink – China is Not our Enemy: Liz Remmerswaal
- Groups Against Arms Fairs: Liz Remmerswaal and Rachel Small
- U.S. Peace Coalition: Liz Remmerswaal
- Independent and Peaceful Australian Network/Pacific Peace Network: Liz Remmerswaal
- New Zealand Peace Foundation International Affairs and Disarmament Committee: Liz Remmerswaal
- WE.net: David Swanson
- Abolition 2000: David Swanson
- War Industry Resisters Network: Greta Zarro.
- Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network: Rachel Small.
- No New Fighter Jets Coalition: Rachel Small.

Our Donors
We are largely funded by very small donations. We are extremely grateful to every volunteer and donor, although we don’t have room to thank them all, and many prefer to be anonymous. Here is a page thanking those we can.
More About World BEYOND War
Click below for videos, text, powerpoints, photos, and other resources from our past annual conferences.